
A Short Defense of the “Entourage” Movie


Alright, alright. We know. Entourage absolutely earned its pans. It is shallow, simple-minded and trashy. But now that’s its available for online rental, let us offer a few encouraging words. Beneath the ample silliness, the main characters are consistently, yes, virtuous. Collectively, they always have each other’s back; and never forget who they are. Individually, they are, each in their own way, kinda admirable. Vince has a mature understanding of the power and peril of fame. Eric generally tries to do the right thing, and fought for the love of his life. Turtle is inventive, entrepreneurial and honest. Drama is, however oddly, entirely committed to his craft. Even Ari puts his money where his mouth is, and sticks to his principles.

You could do worse.

When you’re in the mood for a Big Dumb Movie, this should be a contender. For sure, you’ve spent six bucks on stupider stuff than this.

That is all.


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Al is CultureSonar's founder. He has always worked in and around the arts. His companies have generally focused on music, indie/foreign film, documentaries, and holistic living. Over the years, he has released well over 1,000 titles, including many Oscar, Grammy and Emmy winners. Although playing guitar has never been his Day Job, quite rightly, he’s been gigging steadily for years — and is an avid fan.

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