
“Abbey Road” — How Much Do You Really Know? (Part 1)

beatles abbey road

Culture Sonar is excited about the next installment of Scott Freiman's Deconstructing the Beatles.  The album Abbey Road has long been at the top of the list for fans.  You can learn more here about our extremely limited "Superfan" edition --but in the meantime, test your knowledge of this landmark album!


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3 comments on ““Abbey Road” — How Much Do You Really Know? (Part 1)

  1. Irion Nanne

    Hm, I was surprised that I got a “wrong” answer when I claimed that John played the Rhodes on “Come Together”. I think it was Goeff Emerick that wrote in his book that Paul composed the solo, and that John looked over his shoulders and then recorded the same thing?

  2. Irion Nanne

    “Initially, Paul played the electric piano part, but John kind of looked over his shoulder and studied what he was playing. When it came time to record it, John played the electric piano instead of Paul. Paul might have been miffed, but I think he was more upset about not singing on the choruses – John did his own backing vocals.”
    Geoff Emerick
    Music Radar

  3. Tom Osborn

    Is the “Deconstructing Abbey Road – Collectors Edition” different from the regular “Deconstructing Abbey Road” package?

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