Rick Beato: One of Our Favorite “Fellow Travelers”
For deep-diving musical analysis, Rick Beato is one of our favorite guides. Here’s why.
5 Things to Love About Nick Lowe
Although it’s had its natural share of twists and mis-steps, Nick Lowe’s long career is a wonder of sustained creativity and productivity. It’s one of the many reasons we love him…
If Your Destination is Catchy, Quirky, and Smart – Try Bahamas
If you’re looking for some relatively new artists who sit comfortably alongside the music we all know so well, do spend some time visiting Bahamas.
This Cake Stays Fresh
Cake’s bracing blend of diverse musical influences, sharp lyrics, and unconventional delivery has more than stood the test of time. If you haven’t visited them in a while, take another look.
Glenn Tilbrook: Humble Guitar God
Squeeze’s Glenn Tlibrook has earned well-deserved praise as a songwriter, but his guitar playing is perhaps less celebrated. We aim to help correct that…