The Monkees’ Enduring — and Maybe Surprising — Influence
Sure, they were hired as actors to play musicians, but the band soon evolved way beyond that. The Monkees were talented performers, and were also surrounded by world-class talent. It added up to genuinely excellent music that had a lasting, under-appreciated impact.
It Begins with an Ending … and Started Something Huge
America met The Beatles with “All My Loving” on The Ed Sullivan Show. Let’s break down the complex magic of this tune.
Droning On … In a Good Way
Droning “pedal” tones may not sound musically exciting, but they play a huge role in all sorts of music: from 12th-century hymns, to Indian ragas, to The Beatles. Here are some examples.
Who Could Possibly Fill David Bowie’s Shoes?
David Bowie was the king of “reinvention.” He never rested on his laurels or took the easy path. Is there someone today who’s doing similar?
A Magic Ingredient to the Beatles? Ringo!
It’s hard to pinpoint just why the music of the Beatles always felt so good. Drummer Joe Bellia breaks it down to one word: Ringo!