Kris Kristofferson: 5 Top Songs from His Storied Career
As we remember one of his generation’s finest talents, it seemed a good time to look back on some of the (many) great songs he’s created.
You Can’t Dig Too Deep With Dylan: More Blood, More Tracks
Throughout his career, Dylan has remained unpredictable. The latest in his bootleg series mines new depths of his catalog and proves that he just can’t be pigeonholed.
The Infamous Stringdusters: Bluegrass Isn’t Just for Blue-Hairs
As seen by the big success of “Laws of Gravity,” The Infamous Stringdusters are introducing bluegrass to a younger, hipper crowd.
21st Century Music: The Pros and Cons of Democratization
Used to be, getting into a recording studio was rare and expensive. Not so much anymore. But is easy access to technology a good or bad thing for indie artists?
Underrated Folk Albums From the Last Few Years
Often-brilliant lyrics, from the likes of Jeffrey Martin, Anna Tivel, and The Sweeplings, may have you slowing down for the details.