The Final Album: Talking Heads’ “Naked”
For their final project together, the Talking Heads hearkened back to their earlier influences with the quirky “Naked.”
John Lee Hooker: A Late Life Resurgence
John Lee Hooker’s “The Healer” gave the bluesman a late-life boost in popularity. A new reissue showcases his world-weary chops.
The Quiet Longevity of Patty Smyth
Patty Smyth was an 80s staple on MTV, but there’s much more to her career — including an invitation to join Van Halen.
Epix Brings You “Women Who Rock”
The new Epix series, “Women Who Rock,” offers up the backstories of those performers who kicked down the door of the Boys Club.
The Final Album: Amy Winehouse, “Lioness”
When Amy Winehouse passed away at age 27, she left behind unfinished tracks. Completed posthumously, “Lioness” showcases what might have been.