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Not Going Gently: Artists Innovating After 60
These artists aren’t going the “nostalgia tour” route: they continue to push musical and lyrical boundaries, shaped by the experience of aging.
“Sly Lives!” — And How
The Hulu documentary, “Sly Lives,” is an exceptional look at an amazing musician plagued by “the burden of black genius.”
The Vapors Are Back to “Hit the Ground Running”
The Vapors broke through with “Turning Japanese.” The last decades have been up and down, but they’re back with a great new album.
“The Ed Sullivan Show” Studio, February 9, 1964
Before the screams began, Ed Sullivan and his crew had spotted the brilliance of the Beatles as they rehearsed. A new excerpt from Jude Southerland Kessler’s “John Lennon” series offers some backstage insights.
Be My Guest (Vocalist)
You might be surprised at the recognizable voices that pop up in some very unexpected places. Like, VERY unexpected.