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Charlie Watts Swings
Fifty years of fans screaming out their adulation, and The Rolling Stones drummer has still got his eye on that elusive prize of perfection. Dig it.
Great Houses and Not-So-Great Families Revisited
Set in 1910-1920 and the reign of George V (whose title was both King and Emperor of India), Clare Clark’s “We That Are Left” is a novel of loss, grief and misplaced optimism.
Oliver Reed: A Bubbling Stew of Intensity, Violence, and Sensuality
He had a career spanning four decades, but isn’t remembered as one of the great actors of his generation. Time to change that.
When Dylan Plugged in and Changed Everything (Or Not)
For Dylan, “going electric” was less a radical departure than a return to his own rock and roll origins.
Out of This World: The Martian Chronicles on Radio
Ray Bradbury knew how to use fantastic situations to tell us about ourselves in ways that we might not otherwise accept.