70s Conspiracy Movies We Need Now (or not…)
Fake space missions, secret assasination groups…the 70s were a peak era for “conspiracy movies.” Get out your tinfoil hat…
Why Are 70s & 80s Movies Making a Comeback?
The movie business is bringing back some of the classic blockbuster movies to theaters and drive-ins. Good idea?
“Be Water” Docuseries Charts the Life of Bruce Lee
On the heels of ESPN’s hot doc, “Last Dance,” comes a new one about Bruce Lee. “Be Water” shows that he was far more than what we remember of his films.
“The Irishman”: The Redemption of Al Pacino?
Al Pacino is one of our finest actors, but some of his movie choices have been, um, “questionable.” With “The Irishman,” are we seeing a rebirth?
Singing the Praises of Three Dog Night
Three Dog Night racked up a huge number of hits in the 70s. We’ve assembled a list of some of their best worth another listen (and it wasn’t easy).