Exploring “The Country of Liverpool”
American music made its way to Liverpool. But ancient English music influenced things centuries earlier. Here’s how it all came together.
Two-Man Bands, One-Hit Wonders
There are duos (like Hall and Oates) who had many, many hits. Then there are those duos who only had one big hit together.
Lennon Full Circle: “Dear Yoko”
One of the last songs on Lennon’s last album paid tribute to his love, Yoko — in a way that captured his earliest influences.
Pop Music of the 1950s Was Way Cooler Than You Think
There was certainly a transition in music from the 1950s to the 1960s. But 1950s pop music wasn’t simplistic or sappy as some would have you believe.
Rock Holograms: Night of the Dead … Living
From Elvis to Buddy, Tupac to Whitney, death doesn’t end the show. “Rock Hologram tours” are becoming a Thing.