Going Out Screaming: Peter Frampton’s Painful Goodbye
In a career of massive highs and heartbreaking lows, Peter Frampton has shown hard-earned grace. Forced by illness into a farewell tour, he is not going out quietly — in the best way.
80s Hair Metal Bands We’d Like To See Movies About
Motley Crue is experiencing something of a renaissance since the Netflix show, “The Dirt” recently aired. Seems that 80s Hair Metal makes for good TV. What other bands might make for a good biopic?
Stand Back: Stevie Nicks
A new Rhino set showcases the exceptional range of Stevie Nicks: the only woman inducted twice into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
Goth Fans Rejoice: The Cure Are In the Hall!
Tonight is the 2019 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Induction ceremonies — and one of our favorite “goth” bands is getting in. Here are some good reasons why.
Dick Dale: Riding the Eternal Curl
The late Dick Dale’s music was the soundtrack of surf culture. He truly “made waves.” Our tribute to this unique musician.