Deconstructing The Beatles – Album by Album
Acclaimed “Beatle-ologist” Scott Freiman goes deep inside the creative process behind “Sgt. Pepper’s,” “Revolver,” “Rubber Soul” and “The White Album.”
Filmette Film Festival: Great Movies, Unusual Lengths
Now in its second year, this NYC film festival focuses on movies that run over a half-hour but under an hour.
Documentary Spotlight: The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles
A trio of Beatles docs you may’ve missed: “The Beatles: Big Beat Box,” “The Beatles: A Long and Winding Road,” “The Beatles: From Liverpool to San Francisco.”
A Network for Music Geeks? Yes, Please
Qello is “the Netflix for music.”
Martin Scorsese’s Rocking Docs
The legendary filmmaker has put the spotlight on George Harrison, Bob Dylan, and the Rolling Stones.