Novel Rock n’ Roll Fantasies
Before they were movies, “The Commitments” and “High Fidelity” were great books. But these are not the only novels documenting the ups and crazy downs of the rock ‘n roll lifestyle. Just ask serious writer Salman Rushdie.
5 Rock Memoirs: From the Nitty Gritty to One With Sting
Greg Lake, John Oates, T-Boz, and John McEuen offer juicy insights to the “rock star”life. But you know what? Their autobiographies are also packed with touching memories and surprising wisdom.
Unfinished Lives: ‘60s Rockers Gone Too Soon
Janis Joplin, Sam Cooke, Mama Cass, and Brian Jones all left behind rich musical legacies after their tragic, untimely deaths. This bunch of excellent biographies goes deeper into their various stories.
David Bowie Is…So Worth Visiting
His early journals, actual costumes, even a stray coke spoon bring you close again to the late David Bowie. In a nutshell, the Brooklyn Museum’s “David Bowie Is…” exhibition proves a worthy tribute to one cultural icon who never stopped exploring.
Ken Goldstein’s “From Nothing”: This Summer’s Beach Read for Music Fans
A Silicon Valley genius compelled to hide out in a Las Vegas tribute band? Novelist Ken Goldstein has taken this playful idea and turned it into one hell of a hot summer beach read via “From Nothing.”