Is It Now Cool to Love Phish?
Some groups are, uh, an “acquired taste.” For some, Phish falls into that category — but now it’s OK to like them.
“Louie Louie”: Why Is This Song So Awesome?
“Louie Louie” is one of the great anthems of rock. But the back story is even crazier than its (unintelligible) lyrics.
The 8-Track Guy Keeps On Truckin’
Eight-tracks are a relic. But one collector shares his stories with those artists who were all too happy to relive their music on that format.
Six Classic Groups We’d Love to See Reunite
Some reunions will never happen (#Beatles), but some just might. Here are some classic groups we’d like to see get past their “past” and do their thing.
Bruce Hornsby’s “Absolute Zero” Tour
Bruce Hornsby’s new album, “Absolute Zero,” and accompanying tour really mixes things up — in the best way possible.