Extended Guitar Solos That Deserve More Love
The phrase “guitar solo” calls to mind Zeppelin, Skynyrd, and other favorites. But there are a few others that deserve more attention.
You Told Us, We Dug Deep: 3 Underrated Guitarists
It was a heated debate on our Facebook page. So we took the most “likes” and asked musician John Montagna to weigh in on three top picks for “most underrated guitarist.”
A Mount Rushmore…for Guitarists?
If there were a monument to some of the founders of rock guitar, which four would you pick? We have some suggestions on the subject.
John Lennon: Guitarist
By now, just about every aspect of the Beatles’ legacy has been thoroughly picked over; but — as with any deep body of work — there are always new things to appreciate, which in this case is John Lennon’s guitar playing.
The Epic Track: “Comfortably Numb”
There are some rock tracks that are so larger-than-life, they can only be described as “epic.” “Comfortably Numb” is one of them.