The Best (and Worst) of Supergroups
It seems like a great idea: get the best players in rock to join forces in a “supergroup.” But there are other issues that come with talent.
Led Zeppelin – Other Bands Hate Them, They Don’t Care
Led Zeppelin may be an iconic rock band, some of their contemporaries remain less than enthused. We share some backstories.
Stay Like A Rock Star At These Iconic L.A. Hotels
Many rock star legends occurred off-stage, namely at hotels. Want to see where they happened? Here are the most iconic L.A. hotels to check into.
The Night I Accepted Jeff Beck’s Award…
Gigi Shapiro has spent her professional life among some of the biggest names in the music industry. Her stories are awesome, and we share one of them here.
Talking Led Zeppelin, Jimi Hendrix and More With Rock Photographer Robert M. Knight
Robert M. Knight is the eye behind some of the most iconic rock photos ever. And each shot has a story behind it. He shares some of them in this interview around a new edition of his book, “Rock Gods: Fifty Years of Rock Photography.”