Sour Notes: Rock Stars Airing Dirty Laundry
Rock stars and movie stars go together like PB&J. But their chemistry often winds up turning into sour notes.
The Women Who Got Behind the Men In Music
These women were some of the unsung heroines of rock, recognizing talent and pushing to get them heard. Of course, their bosses pushed back.
7 Memoirs That Go Behind the Music
Sure, we hear their stories in their songs, but reading about their life before (and after) becoming a rock star offers new insights.
JEM Does Jagger and Richards
JEM Records continues its great tradition of excellent “tribute” albums, this one for the music of Jagger and Richards.
Chess Records: Phil, Lenny, & Stolen Loot
Rock fans can thank Chess Records for exposing future groups to American blues artists. But then, there are iffy questions about money.