“Stairway To Heaven” Vs. “Taurus”…Again
The legal battle over whether “Stairway to Heaven” ripped off another song is on once again. A musician friend of ours takes a look at the musical argument.
Dread Zeppelin: Hammer of the Gods Meets Reggae
Even Robert Plant loves this crazy mashup of reggae, Led Zeppelin…and Elvis.
Greta Van Fleet and Led Zeppelin: A Whole Lotta Debate
In the midst of Greta Van Fleet’s rising popularity, the modern day hard rock phenomenon has been consistently accused of copying the iconic classic rock group Led Zeppelin. Do these accusations hold any merit?
Talking Led Zeppelin, Jimi Hendrix and More With Rock Photographer Robert M. Knight
Robert M. Knight is the eye behind some of the most iconic rock photos ever. And each shot has a story behind it. He shares some of them in this interview around a new edition of his book, “Rock Gods: Fifty Years of Rock Photography.”
The Grammys: A Few Good Things
If you’re “over” the Grammy Awards, don’t give up quite yet. This year’s crop of nominees shows some hope for the music business. We highlight three acts in particular that are worth your attention.