The Best “Revolver” Covers
“Revolver” was a masterpiece in its own right. But it also inspired some genius takes by other artists who couldn’t resist.
Ian Hunter Continues to Be Defiant
Ian Hunter’s back with a new album, picking up where he left off during the pandemic. It’s pretty awesome.
Not Familiar with Willie Nile? It’s Your Own Fault
Willie Nile has fans among the top artists of our time. But his career never quite got the push it needed. It’s not too late to discover him.
Lucinda Williams & Fiona Apple: Soothing Intensity
Lucinda Williams and Fiona Apple recently dropped some powerful new projects. We listened to them back to back, and found them to be incredibly satisfying.
59 New Grateful Dead Tunes: We Needed That!
This album introduces dozens of Grateful Dead covers with contributions from The National, Lucinda Williams, Courtney Barnett, and Charles Bradley.