Magical Mystery Tour: Some “Mysteries” Solved
“Magical Mystery Tour” was a rare misstep by the Beatles. But the music saved the project from becoming a total bust. Here’s how it went down.
Take Our “Strawberry Fields” Quiz!
As part of Scott Freiman’s upcoming appearance on public TV to “Deconstruct The Beatles,” a fun quiz to test your knowledge.
We Are All Together: George Martin and “I Am the Walrus”
Sir George Martin was known for his understated brilliance as producer for The Beatles. “I Am the Walrus” is one song that shows that brilliance.
My First Album: “Magical Mystery Tour”
The first time you buy a record with your own money is a big moment. “Magical Mystery Tour” set this writer on an adventure.
“Fab Fools”: The Beatles As Comedians
We know the Beatles as amazing musicians. But the new book, “Fab Fools,” showcases their cheeky, comedic side.