Chip Douglas: Producer of Pure Pop
As a member of The Turtles, Chip Douglas helped shape their biggest hit. Then he did the same for The Monkees.
Shuggie Otis: Mr. Shoulda-Coulda-Woulda
At 12, he was a session player. At 21, he got an offer to join the Stones — which he turned down. Shuggie Otis is one unusual guitarist.
Risque Rock N Roll: Naughty Numbers
Rock musicians don’t have the corner of risque songs; their jazz forbears had the corner on that. But they took plenty of inspiration.
Ray Charles, Leon Russell and Country Music
Country music wasn’t the first genre that either Ray Charles or Leon Russell tackled. When they did, their fortunes each changed … in a big way.
Of Hits and Hitmen: The Gary S. Paxton Story
Gary Paxton had great “ears” when it came to producing hits. But his wild personal life was both colorful –and dangerous.