The Sun Shines Warmly on Singer-Songwriter Jim Allen
Singer-songwriter Jim Allen’s style has been compared to Johnny Cash and Tom Waits. Get to know him in our new interview.
Hollow Hand: If You Love Late-60s-Era Kinks…
He even kinda looks like Ray Davies…If you’re a fan of late-era Kinks songs like “Lola,” get to know Hollow Hand.
The Weeklings & The Tearaways: Keeping Rock Alive
“Little Steven” Van Zandt has named The Weeklings and The Tearaways two “must-hear” groups for rock fans.
What is “Japanese Ambient Music”? A Primer
There’s an intriguing (and far richer) backstory to that music you might hear in your local yoga studio. A new compilation sheds light on the complex influences rooted in Japan.
5 New (and Sorta New) Artists to Know About
In the mood to freshen up your playlist? From Cassia to the Struts and more, we’ve got five artists you should know about.