Grey DeLisle’s “Borrowed”: Covers With A Twist
If she sounds familiar, Grey DeLisle is one of the busiest voice actresses out there . She turns her talents to a cool new bunch of covers.
Let The Debates Begin: A List of Lists
Rock fans are passionate. REALLY passionate. We’ve got a few lists that are sure to get you going, so read on and weigh in!
The “Spoken Word Interlude”: Breaking Rock’s 4th Wall
For this writer, hearing singers “speak” versus sing was a mind blowing moment. Here are some of the best (and worst) of those interludes.
The Rock Concert – A (Crazy) Oral History
They started as sock hops then morphed into legendary arena shows. The new book, “Rock Concert,” traces the rise of a cultural touchstone.
“Babysitting A Band On the Rocks”: Backstage Rock Gossip
He was there for some of the wilder tour moments of Aerosmith, Van Halen, Pink Floyd, and other rock legends. A new book serves up the dish.