80s Movies: Not What You Remember
We have certain 80s movies that we still love. But on on another viewing, are they as great as we once remember?
“Purple Rain” At 40
When Prince dropped “Purple Rain” (both the movie and the album), the music world would never be the same.
“Purple Rain”…With a Twang
As the anniversary of Prince’s passing approaches, this re-flavored version of one classic is a lovely way to remember the Purple One.
10 Albums that Defined Being a Teen in the ‘80s
If you were a teen three decades ago, chances are you listened to classic 1980s albums like “Purple Rain,” “Appetite for Destruction,” and “Rio.”
Digging Deeper Into Prince’s Musical Legacy
Prince left a complex, varied and deep musical legacy. This first in a podcast series gets “under the hood” to take a deeper look.