The Magical Mystery 8-Track Tape Adventure
Eight-track tapes were once a music fan’s best friend. Years later, one of them stumbles on one that held…a mysterious promise.
Simon Le Bon Wants Your Brain to Go “Whooosh!”
Simon Le Bon of Duran Duran has been putting lockdown to good use with a fun new podcast/radio show …. about edgy new music.
The ‘90s: Pop Music’s Most Eclectic Decade
Recording artist Solomon Peck believes that ’90s hit radio showcased true diversity (while Mariah Carey essentially pioneered the art of “hip hop remixing”).
Not Quite Top 40 But Quite Important: The B-52s’ “Rock Lobster”
It may have peaked at number 56 on the charts, but “Rock Lobster” generated terrific buzz for a young band from Athens, Georgia.
Director Mike Mills Is Now a DJ, Too
The movie “20th Century Women” has its own online radio station. (And this digital extension of the film is much more than a repackaged soundtrack.)