Magical Mystery Tour: Some “Mysteries” Solved
“Magical Mystery Tour” was a rare misstep by the Beatles. But the music saved the project from becoming a total bust. Here’s how it went down.
Take Our “Strawberry Fields” Quiz!
As part of Scott Freiman’s upcoming appearance on public TV to “Deconstruct The Beatles,” a fun quiz to test your knowledge.
Rubber Soul: From Zero-to-Masterpiece in 30 Days
“Rubber Soul” was a race against the clock, as The Beatles had only 30 days to write, record and mix an album — from scratch!
Take Our “Rubber Soul” Quiz!
As part of Scott Freiman’s upcoming appearance on public TV to “Deconstruct The Beatles,” a fun quiz to test your knowledge.
The Best “Revolver” Covers
“Revolver” was a masterpiece in its own right. But it also inspired some genius takes by other artists who couldn’t resist.