“Paul Is Dead” – How It Started, Where It Went
Before social media, the “Paul is dead” rumor went viral in record time. So how did it start? And how did it get so out of hand?
“A Hard Day’s Night” – Innovation All Around
Movies with rock and roll stars were nothing new. But the Beatles took a very different approach to their first big screen gig. And the songs they wrote for the film highlight their unconventional approach.
“Picardy Third,” anyone?
From their earliest days, The Beatles had a gift for writing memorable melodies over surprisingly complex chord patterns. Our pal, “Beatleologist” Scott Freiman, digs into one of the great early examples: “And I Love Her.”
“Beatles for Sale” and The Road to “Help!”
The light seemed to have gone out of the eyes of the Beatles — but that laid the groundwork for their next big album and movie.
“A Hard Day’s Night” – The Beatles in 1964
Believe it or not, The Beatles were having a hard time breaking through in America. One year — and one movie — changed everything.