Fab Four Masterclass: “Sgt. Pepper” (Part 2)
Our next Fab Four Master Class is coming up on 1/28 and continues our delve into “Pepper.” Join us for this virtual event!
The Beatles’ “Carnival of Light” Has Never (Really) Seen Daylight
The Beatles’ “Carnival of Light” is nearly 15 minutes of…we don’t know what. It was an early attempt at avant-garde, but fell flat.
A Virtual Tour of the Magical Beatles Museum
One day, Beatles fans will travel to Liverpool again. And the first stop should be the Magical Beatles Museum helmed by Roag Best (Pete’s brother).
Will the Real Sgt. Pepper Please Stand up?
The cover of “Sgt. Pepper” is covered with famous faces. But who was the “real” Sgt. Pepper? Beatle expert Scott Freiman has some insights.
The Beatles and Woodstock: Tuned In & Turned On
The Beatles may not have made it to Woodstock, but their impact was everywhere. Especially for those a little too young to be at the festival.