Life After Hip-Hop (And Age 50…)
Hip-hop began as a youth movement. In the last 30 years or so, things have evolved. What’s it like now for those “founding fathers”?
Four Small Clubs That Launched Huge Careers
Pretty much every major artist made their bones working small clubs, These four are responsible for helping spring some amazing acts into the culture;
Is It Any Wonder … There’s New David Bowie Music?
Four years after his passing, David Bowie still keeps delivering. New music (and more) has recently come to light.
Remembering Teddy Pendergrass (And What’s Next…)
We lost Teddy Pendergrass a decade ago. His brilliant music lives on — and a new movie about his complex life is in the works.
A New Box Set Celebrates Sam Cooke
Sam Cooke ranks among the top singers of all time. An upcoming box set captures his early genius — snuffed out too soon.