MTV “Unplugged” Opened Eyes and Ears
It was a beautifully simple idea: put the day’s biggest artists in a stripped-down, acoustic setting. The results proved timeless.
Hall & Oates: 5 Songs That Should’ve Been Hit Singles
The pop duo deserved more radio rotation for songs like “Nothing at All” and “It’s Uncanny.”
Space Age Music: 5 Songs From “Star Trek”
Uhura on vocals and Spock on Vulcan harp? Beam us up!
10cc’s “I’m Not In Love”: The Backstory
The band rejected this song at first. But an ambitious “makeover” turned it into a huge hit – and one of the most unusual of the 70s.
Joe Walsh Just Keeps Rockin’ On
Joe Walsh has a long career as one of the more, um, “colorful” guitarists and singer-songwriters. And he just can’t sit still.