
“Take Flight” Now

Take Flight at New York Times

There’s been a lot of media hype about the New York Times new virtual reality collaboration with Google. A few weeks ago, home subscribers of the Times received a Google cardboard VR viewer, for many of us the first opportunity to dive into the emergent Virtual Reality experience (and certainly inexpensively). Since then a handful of marketers, among them GE, have contributed interesting new content. But the release of the new short VR film “Take Flight” is a mind-blower. Watch some of the year’s biggest film stars (Michael Fassbender, Kristin Wiig, Rooney Mara, and Melissa McCarthy among others) float through VR space high above Manhattan. Then follow them into the clouds and look down upon an illuminated VR Big Apple, replete with taxis. Ethereal music from Michael Richter completes the trippy experience.

WIth the viewer, you completely control what you look at, whether above, below or behind you. It’s well worth the small hassle of acquiring one and no technical expertise is required. Watch the two-dimensional version on the Times web site and your appetite will be whetted for a more immersive VR experience. Expect an explosion in content and creativity in the coming months but enjoy these pieces while the experience is still brand new.

Steve Harty

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Stephen Harty hangs around at the busy intersection of culture, commerce and politics. He’s led some of the country’s most creative ad agencies, worked in both federal and city governments and is currently a trustee of a liberal arts college. He makes his living as a consultant and lecturer.

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